Lower Coating Services Activity During the Fourth Quarter

Impact Coatings announces that the activity level at its Coating Service Center Sweden during the fourth quarter so far has not met the expectation of a continued high level of activity as communicated in the third quarter 2023 interim report. The lower activity is...

Lägre aktivitet inom Coating Services under det fjärde kvartalet

Impact Coatings meddelar att aktiviteten i bolagets Coating Service Center Sverige hittills under det fjärde kvartalet inte har motsvarat de förväntningar om fortsatt hög aktivitetsnivå som kommunicerades i samband med delårsrapporten för det tredje kvartalet 2023....

Impact Coatings Announces New Group Management Team

Impact Coatings announces changes to its management team that reflect the company’s transformation into a group, with parent company in Sweden and operating subsidiaries in China and the USA. The company's new group management team consists of Jonas Nilsson...