FINANCIAL RESULTS FULL YEAR 2021Net sales amounted to SEK 57,198 thousand (39,515)Change of work in progress amounted to SEK -5,357 thousand (14,175) Total revenue amounted to SEK 54,549 thousand (54,355)Operating profit amounted to SEK -32,083 thousand...
FINANCIAL RESULTS FULL YEAR 2020● Net sales amounted to SEK 39,515 thousand (49,084)● Total revenue amounted to SEK 54,355 thousand (39,366)● Operating profit amounted to SEK -22,970 thousand (-26,368)● Operating profit after financial items amounted to SEK -22,975...
FINANCIAL RESULTS FULL YEAR 2019 · Net revenue amounted to SEK 49 084 thousand (20 194) · Total income amounted to SEK 39 366 thousand (30 609) · Operating profit amounted to SEK -26 368 thousand (-37 568) · Operating profit after financial items amounted to SEK -26...