The Share

The share and share capital

Impact Coatings AB (publ) is a VPC-registered company, and shares in the company are registered electronically with Euroclear Sweden AB, which also maintains the company’s share register.

Share capital in Impact Coatings amounts to SEK 10,935,839.125, distributed by a total of 87,486,713 shares, each with a quota value of SEK 0,125. All shares are of the same class, represent one vote, and represent an entitlement of an equal share of the company’s assets and profits, without specified limitations.

Trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market

Impact Coatings’ shares are traded on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market exchange, part of the Nasdaq Stockholm with Short Name IMPC and ISIN-code SE0001279142.

Major shareholders

The major owners of the Company on June 30, 2024, are presented below.

Name Number of shares %
Accendo Capital SICAV RAIF 30,073,530 34.37
Försäkringsaktiebolaget, Avanza Pension 5,996,506 6.85
Hyundai Motor Company 5,400,000 6.17
Nordnet Pensionsförsäkring AB 2,874,602 3.29
Clearstream Banking S.A., W8IMY 1,673,112 1.91
CBLDN-Renta 4 SV SA 1,063,652 1.22
Ljungcrantz, Henrik 1,062,321 1.21
SHB Luxembourg CL ACCT Sweden 869,965 0.99
Rosell, Torsten 808,946 0.92
Österberg, Hans 731,535 0.84


Certified Adviser

Redeye AB
As a Certified Adviser, Redeye guides and monitors the company’s compliance on Nasdaq First North Growth Market.

+46 (0)8 121 576 90

Analyst coverage

Redeye AB
Analyst: Henrik Alveskog

Here you find the latest analysis.