From the Archives: Efficient Development of Decorative Coatings (ICMCTF 2011)
In 2011, at the ICMCTF conference in San Diego CA, Impact Coatings presented the versatility of the INLINECOATER™ platform for decorative coatings, and how the very short cycle times of the PVD system can be used to efficiently develop and produce a large variety of colored PVD coatings. In the project presented an InlineCoater 300 was used to produce 250 unique depositions in one workday. Try that with any other PVD system out there!
The work efficiently explored the L*a*b color space of a specific material system, TiCN, where arc evaporation was used for the depositions. The target was to identify influences and co-influences of a set of key process parameters. A design of experiment (DoE) approach was used to very efficiently design the practical experiments, where all 250 coatings were made in a day in the InlineCoater 300 PVD system. Results and conclusions can be found at the end of the presentation.
Reed more about the fast and versatile INLINECOATER™ PVD systems.