
Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of shareholders of Impact Coatings AB (publ), which is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market, was held today. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the EGM was held in the simplest conceivable form, but with a guarantee for shareholders to exercise their rights. There were 4 participants representing 12.1% of the total outstanding votes.

The extraordinary general meeting decided:

To approve the board of directors’ proposed change to the articles of association regarding the number of board members, which was increased from at most six to at most seven.

To approve the board of directors’ proposed change to the articles of association regarding the record date to adapt the articles of association to a change in the Swedish Companies Act (SFS 2005:551) effective 3 September 2020.

To increase the number of board members from six to seven, as proposed by the board of directors, and to elect Per Wassén as a new board member.

That the new board member shall be entitled to an annual remuneration of SEK 180,000 corresponding to the remuneration received by other members of the board of directors.


For more information, contact:

Mark H. Shay, CFA
Chairman of the Board
Tel. +46 765 96 62 38 or e-mail:

The information was delivered, via the contact person named above, for publication on October 7, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. CEST.
