The ordered coating machine will be integrated into a fully automatic production cell for injection molding and metallization of plastic components. The companies have an existing development cooperation. A production cell at Varioplast, with a coating machine from Impact Coatings, produces components for Volkswagen since 2014.
“It is very encouraging that Varioplast has chosen to order an additional coating machine from us,” said Petter Carlfjord, Sales Director at Impact Coatings. “It shows both that the customer is satisfied with us as a supplier and that our integrated production concept for injection molding and metallization of plastic components is successful.”
Delivery of the coating machine is planned for the beginning of 2019.
For more information contact:
Peter Högfeldt, VP Marketing
+46 708 87 44 34
Impact Coatings AB (publ) is required to disclose this information in accordance with EU market abuse regulations. The information was delivered, via the contact person named above, for publication on July 13, 2018, at 1:00 p.m. CET.