24-Hour Hydrogen Challenge, Germany

Aug 31, 2020

The 24-Hour Hydrogen Challenge is a rally for fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) showing the world that driving with Hydrogen is already a reality. The rally takes place in in Germany on September 28-29, in conjunction with the Stuttgart f-cell conference.

We hereby invite customers and other industry partners and friends to sponsor Impact Coatings’ FCEV participating in the 24-hour rally. Minimum sponsorship is EUR 500. Sponsors will have their logo* on the Impact Coatings car during the rally and all contributions will be donated in full to the World Childhood Foundation. Impact Coatings will match total contributions up to EUR 2,000!

To sponsor, contact us by September 14, 2020 via e-mail to info@impactcoatings.se. Please include your contribution amount in EUR and your invoice address.

*) Neither position or size of logos can be specified by sponsor companies/partners. Maximum possible logo size approx. 30cm wide.